Quantum Information Technology

Because the future is Quantum

Quantum Information Technology

Because the future is Quantum

because the future is Quantum

Choose the QIT two-year study master programme at the University of Gdańsk. This is the unique possibility to study the future-focused field of science and technology at the one of the best universities in Europe. 

The University of Gdańsk is the leading polish university in physics, mathematics and computer science. This university is in the founder group of extremely important quantum research centers in the world:

  • The International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies (ICTQT) in Gdańsk
  • Krajowe Centrum Informatyki Kwantowej | National Quantum Information Centre (KCIK) in Sopot

Quantum Information Technology (QIT) is an innovative and rapidly developing global field of study, driven by the realisation that the seemingly weird features of the microscopic quantum world, can, remarkably, enable new technologies which would be otherwise impossible. These include unbreakable cryptography, ultraprecision measurements, and quantum computers which can solve problems that are intractable on any classical computer. These developing technologies have the potential to revolutionise the modern world: from mobile phones to medicine, chemistry, and finance.

“If you're looking for a better understanding of our world, Quantum Information and Quantum Foundations are the fields for you. The ongoing debates on fundamental problems of Quantum Theory and their implications are what comes to mind when one thinks about science. You will be surrounded by sharp minds, in an increasingly diverse environment, working in one of the cores of contemporary science and technology.”

Vinicius Pretti Rossi (Brazil)

PhD student at ICTQT, UG. 

“If you're looking for a better understanding of our world, Quantum Information and Quantum Foundations are the fields for you. The ongoing debates on fundamental problems of Quantum Theory and their implications are what comes to mind when one thinks about science. You will be surrounded by sharp minds, in an increasingly diverse environment, working in one of the cores of contemporary science and technology.”

Vinicius Pretti Rossi (Brazil)

PhD student at ICTQT, UG. 


QIT specialists ultimately seek to bring revolutionary quantum technologies to fruition and to optimise their use. That is, to understand how to best harness the weird quantum features to power these new technologies. There are many complementary approaches to this, from deepening the mathematical foundations of quantum theory in order to understand the ultimate capabilities and limitations of the quantum world, through to practical design and development of the technologies themselves. QIT specialists therefore come from a diverse range of backgrounds including:

  • physics,
  • engineering,
  • computer science,
  • mathematics,

in order to drive forward the second quantum revolution.

In this interdisciplinary field of study, the employment scope is broad: 

  • Graduates may work in industrial and service companies that conduct R&D activities on the design and implementation of quantum technologies.
  • Graduates may continue doctoral studies on quantum information technologies and its interdisciplinary fields at universities and research centers. 

As students of the QIT master programme you gain benefits from the close co-operation among the university and the ICTQT and KCIK research centers:

  • You join scientific projects as part of the programme's curricula, within the cutting-edge research teams in these centers,
  • You become the natural candidate to follow your education path in these centers in the PhD programme after the master's graduation.

The International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies in Gdańsk (ICTQT)  is one of the most important quantum sciences research centers in Europe. The activities of ICTQT are focused on scientific research in the areas of:

  • Quantum Foundations,
  • Quantum Communication,
  • Quantum Information,
  • Quantum Technologies,
  • Quantum Communication,
  • New Computing Techniques.

The scientific priori of ICTQT is to find new solutions and protocols for basic aspects of fundamental quantum physics, from new non-classical phenomena, measures of non-classicality, structural aspects of quantum theory, theory of quantum measurement, up to theory of open systems and quantum thermodynamics, and bring them into quantum technologies. 

This is the joint research unit of the University of Gdansk and the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (IQOQI-Vienna), which plays the role of an official strategic partner. The project is financed by the Foundation for Polish Science from the European Union funds.

Quantum Information Center in Sopot (KCIK) is the most important quantum sciences research centre in Poland. The mission of the Centre is to create an integrated basis for interdisciplinary research in fields of quantum information processing and foundations of physics. Projects range from topics as fundamental as foundations of quantum mechanics, to the more applied ones, like e.g. quantum cryptography. Here we list the main areas of our research.

  • Quantum Correlations Theory
  • Quantum Cryptography
  • Quantum Many Body Systems
  • Quantum Thermodynamics
  • Nonlocality and Contextuality
  • Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
  • Randomness
  • Quantum Error Correction and Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation

KCIK was established at the University of Gdańsk as a joint research unit gathering nine Polish institutions. KCIK is supported by University of Gdańsk, research grants of Foundation for Polish Science, National Center of Science, Ministry of Science and Higher Education and framework programmes of European Union, including ERC AdG.

“A master’s course in QIT offers a flexible career path in either academics or industries or both together. The subject trains one’s mind to raise deeper abstract questions about nature and yet translate the abstractness to realizable technological applications. At the University of Gdansk, I work on a unique industry driven project which is at the interface of quantum physics and technology. I consider it to be one of the most invaluable experiences of my career which requires maintaining my role in a superposition of being a physicist and an engineer.”

Akshata Shenoy (India) 

Postdoc at  ICTQT, UG

“A master’s course in QIT offers a flexible career path in either academics or industries or both together. The subject trains one’s mind to raise deeper abstract questions about nature and yet translate the abstractness to realizable technological applications. At the University of Gdansk, I work on a unique industry driven project which is at the interface of quantum physics and technology. I consider it to be one of the most invaluable experiences of my career which requires maintaining my role in a superposition of being a physicist and an engineer.”

Akshata Shenoy (India) 

Postdoc at  ICTQT, UG


Joining the Quantum Information Technology Master’s programme you have the opportunity to:

  • Learn from active researchers of international reputation, experts in the field they lecture. 
  • Study in an international interdisciplinary environment.
  • Develop a comprehensive set of skills that will prepare you for your next step, such as presentation skills, use of the English Language, and knowledge on commercialisation and start-up companies. 
  • Gain work experience through the internships programme. 
  • Tailor your studies by choosing the “optional lectures” according to your own interests. 

Excellent programme and skills

The programme features 120 hours of supervised research time. 

This two-year programme (120 ECTS points) covers four core sections:

  • Quantum information processing, computation, and communication. 
  • Quantum systems, their manipulations and non-classical properties. 
  • Hard-skills: analytical and numerical methods, programming skills. 
  • Soft-skills: scientific presentations, science communication, research methodology, and collaborative research.

Excellent Topics

Thriving topics you will learn about include: 

  • How classical and quantum information can be processed, and how computation and cryptographic protocols work.
  • The bizarre non-classical aspects of nature that we can harness and profit from.
  • Ways in which quantum systems can behave and be manipulated.
  • Advanced mathematical and numerical methods, and programming techniques. 
  • Design of experiments and computer simulations for quantum information implementations


Excellent courses

List of core courses includes: 

  • Quantum computation, Information theory, Quantum Cryptography
  • Signatures of non-classicality, Paradoxes of Quantum Mechanics
  • Introduction to physics, Philosophy of science
  • Quantum dynamics and open systems, Quantum optics
  • Probability and statistics, Mathematical methods of quantum information
  • Programming, Numerical methods
  • Physical implementations of Quantum Information, Laboratory
  • Language and presentation skills, Basics of business management

List of core courses includes: 

  • Quantum computation, Information theory, Quantum Cryptography
  • Signatures of non-classicality, Paradoxes of Quantum Mechanics
  • Introduction to physics, Philosophy of science
  • Quantum dynamics and open systems, Quantum optics
  • Probability and statistics, Mathematical methods of quantum information
  • Programming, Numerical methods
  • Physical implementations of Quantum Information, Laboratory
  • Language and presentation skills, Basics of business management

Excellent Professors

You will learn from and work with the most talented quantum scientists worldwide

Marek Zukowski 

Founder and director of ICTQT UG (2018), he started his research of entanglement and quantum interferometry in 1987. Currently he is interested in entanglement of quantum optical fields. His most recognized achievements include operational conditions for entanglement swapping (1993),  multi-qubit Bell's Theorem (2001), and experimental proposals in  multi-photon quantum interferometry (several realizations). He spent several years in Innsbruck and Vienna, as a visiting professor, within a collaboration with Anton Zeilinger. He received the Prize of the Foundation for Polish Science (2013), and is a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He was a remote editor of Physical Review A (APS, 2016-19), and a member of the Board of National Science Centre (2010-18).

Michal Horodecki

He is a co-founder of entanglement theory. His most recognized achievements are co-discovering bound entanglement, and quantum state merging. Author of about 160 publications. He also worked on random quantum circuits and quantum cryptography. Recently he was involved in quantum thermodynamics, developing the so-called resource theory of thermodynamics. His present interests include quantum thermal machines and open quantum systems.

Excellent place

 Study QIT at The University of Gdańsk

The University of Gdańsk plays a pioneering role in Quantum Technologies, and is currently one of the leading centers in the theory of quantum technologies research worldwide. Historically, UG has been at the center of the development of quantum information since the very beginning of the field. Seminal work on the very foundations of quantum information was developed at UG, such as the groundbreaking research by the Horodecki family on quantum entanglement.

Throughout this Master’s programme you will:

  • learn directly from research-active scientists who are leading experts in their fields,
  • acquire state of the art knowledge from yet-to-be written textbooks,
  • get a unique opportunity to be immersed into the world of quantum technologies..

By coming to Gdańsk, you will particularly benefit from the research environment at UG provided by the “Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics” and the “International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies”, together with their international scientific network across four continents, as well as the cluster of “Polish Quantum Research”

 Study QIT at The University of Gdańsk

The University of Gdańsk plays a pioneering role in Quantum Technologies, and is currently one of the leading centers in the theory of quantum technologies research worldwide. Historically, UG has been at the center of the development of quantum information since the very beginning of the field. Seminal work on the very foundations of quantum information was developed at UG, such as the groundbreaking research by the Horodecki family on quantum entanglement.

Throughout this Master’s programme you will:

  • learn directly from research-active scientists who are leading experts in their fields,
  • acquire state of the art knowledge from yet-to-be written textbooks,
  • get a unique opportunity to be immersed into the world of quantum technologies..

By coming to Gdańsk, you will particularly benefit from the research environment at UG provided by the “Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics” and the “International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies”, together with their international scientific network across four continents, as well as the cluster of “Polish Quantum Research”

 Study QIT in Gdańsk

Gdańsk is a modern and progressive city in the north of Poland, and a tourist highlight in central Europe. Gdańsk is a vibrant place, full of cultural events, museums, music venues, restaurants and bars. This city is the birthplace of Polish jazz, and host of music festivals. Gdańsk features a useful public transport system, app-based rental programs for “public” cars, motorcycles, and bikes, and a variety of vegetarian and vegan food venues and organic shops - hipster trends are thriving. Gdańsk, and the whole Tri-City (Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot) it is a part of, is one of the most beautifully located urban areas in Poland, on the coast of the Baltic sea. Gdańsk and its surrounding area feature sandy sea beaches, lakes, and woods, providing an ideal environment for outdoor activities all year round. With a convenient local airport - a short inexpensive train ride from the city - Gdańsk is only a low-cost flight away from strategic European cities, and directly connected to the main airport hubs in Europe. 

 Study QIT in Gdańsk

Gdańsk is a modern and progressive city in the north of Poland, and a tourist highlight in central Europe. Gdańsk is a vibrant place, full of cultural events, museums, music venues, restaurants and bars. This city is the birthplace of Polish jazz, and host of music festivals. Gdańsk features a useful public transport system, app-based rental programs for “public” cars, motorcycles, and bikes, and a variety of vegetarian and vegan food venues and organic shops - hipster trends are thriving. Gdańsk, and the whole Tri-City (Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot) it is a part of, is one of the most beautifully located urban areas in Poland, on the coast of the Baltic sea. Gdańsk and its surrounding area feature sandy sea beaches, lakes, and woods, providing an ideal environment for outdoor activities all year round. With a convenient local airport - a short inexpensive train ride from the city - Gdańsk is only a low-cost flight away from strategic European cities, and directly connected to the main airport hubs in Europe. 

“I have decided to study Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics at the University of Gdańsk because I wanted to see what physics really looks like and learn more about it. During my studies here I met amazing teachers and successful physicists. They inspired me to my further scientific development. It is a privilege for me to learn from experienced researchers in such a pleasant atmosphere. If i were to choose my Master's program today I would choose Quantum Information Technology without any hesitation.”

Paweł Cieśliński (Poland)

Graduate student in physics, UG

“I have decided to study Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics at the University of Gdańsk because I wanted to see what physics really looks like and learn more about it. During my studies here I met amazing teachers and successful physicists. They inspired me to my further scientific development. It is a privilege for me to learn from experienced researchers in such a pleasant atmosphere. If i were to choose my Master's program today I would choose Quantum Information Technology without any hesitation.”

Paweł Cieśliński (Poland)

Graduate student in physics, UG


Entry requirements

Quick view 

Enrollment process


Love of learning and gaining knowledge, passion, creativity, and engagement are essential.

Higher education at the bachelor's level in one of the following fields of science:











English language: minimum of B2 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages CEFR).

The future-focused study master’s programme

Excellent skills, professors, possibilities

Career pathways in science, technology and business

Four semesters curriculum

Tuition fee of 2100 PLN per academic year


30 students maximum, selected after a final interview

Candidates submit bachelor's degree diploma or another document of completion of studies abroad, which allow to start the second cycle studies in the country it was issued.


Candidates submit documents confirming  B2 level competence in English language.

Candidates submit the application material via the IRK - university’s official e-recruitment system.

Recruitment fee is 85 PLN. The recruitment fee has to be paid before the end of the recruitment for the chosen course.

Candidates are invited to an interview

Successful candidates are accepted to join the programme.

for the academic year 2025/2026:

July 18, 2025 End of registration in IRK system

July 21-22, 2025  Recruitment interview

July 30, 2025  Accepted candidates list announcement

October 1st 2025 Academic year starts

Entry requirements

Love of learning and gaining knowledge, passion, creativity, and engagement are essential.

Higher education at the bachelor's level in one of the following fields of science:


English language: minimum of B2 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages CEFR).

Quick view 

The future-focused study master’s programme

Excellent skills, professors, possibilities

Career pathways in science, technology and business

Four semesters curriculum

Free of tuition fees for all countries candidates

30 students maximum, selected after a final interview

Enrollment process

Candidates submit bachelor's degree diploma or another document of completion of studies abroad, which allow to start the second cycle studies in the country it was issued.

Candidates submit documents confirming  B2 level competence in English language.

Candidates submit the application material via the IRK - university’s official                        e-recruitment system.

Recruitment fee is 85 PLN. Recruitment fee has to be paid until the end of the recruitment for the chosen course.

A shortlist of candidates is invited to an interview.

Successful candidates are accepted to join the programme.

Application deadlines 

For the academic year 2024/2025


September 16th 2024 End of registration in IRK system


September 20th-23rd 2024 Recruitment interview


September 30th 2024 Accepted candidates list announcement

October 1st 2024 Academic year starts

“Quantum information is an interdisciplinary science, so while studying it you can learn about some of the most intriguing aspects of physics, mathematics, and the theory of information. Do you want to understand fundamental laws of Nature? Do you want to  learn what the words entanglement, non-classicality, entropy, and randomness mean? Quantum information aims to test, understand and implement these phenomena. Also, studying quantum info allows you to be and participate in creation of new technologies. It does not matter if you are interested in quantum optics, mathematics, computer science,  or all that stuff together. It does not matter if you do not know  which of these  disciplines is  your favourite research field. Studying quantum information is a good option for your personal development as a scientist!”

Bianka Wołoncewicz  (Poland)

PhD student at ICTQT and IFTiA, UG

“Quantum information is an interdisciplinary science, so while studying it you can learn about some of the most intriguing aspects of physics, mathematics, and the theory of information. Do you want to understand fundamental laws of Nature? Do you want to  learn what the words entanglement, non-classicality, entropy, and randomness mean? Quantum information aims to test, understand and implement these phenomena. Also, studying quantum info allows you to be and participate in creation of new technologies. It does not matter if you are interested in quantum optics, mathematics, computer science,  or all that stuff together. It does not matter if you do not know  which of these  disciplines is  your favourite research field. Studying quantum information is a good option for your personal development as a scientist!”

Bianka Wołoncewicz  (Poland)

PhD student at ICTQT and IFTiA, UG


If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us through the form below.

If you have specific questions, and would like to make the process smoother, feel free to provide us with the following information in the text box so we can provide a tailored response:

Are you an undergraduate/bachelor student? 

(if yes, please tell us the “Field of Study”, the “Expected date of completion”, and the “Institution/University where the study is carried out”).


Do you already hold an undergraduate/bachelor’s degree? 

(if yes, please tell us the “Field of Study”, the “Date of completion”, and the “Institution/University that issued the diploma”).

First Name*
Last Name
What’s your question or comment?*

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics 
ul. Wita Stwosza 57
80-308 Gdańsk
tel.: + 48 58 523 20 56

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Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics 
ul. Wita Stwosza 57
80-308 Gdańsk
tel.: + 48 58 523 20 27

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